Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Life after Death

Surely there exists an invisible body with consciousness within our visible physical body. When one is dead,i.e.,when the physical body is no longer viable for the soul(the invisible body) to stay in, the soul gets out of the body and according to their status of death, e.g.,suicide, accident, natural death, etc. they are permitted to be around in the world.

There is the physical universe and there is the universe of consciousness. Science and its various divisions deal with them. Is there a commonality of these two universes? Both these universes ultimately is energy. It could be that just as our bodies (when buried) retain an identity until over time decay makes it merge totally with the physical universe (earth), our minds after death retain their identity and over time merge into the universal consciousness.

According to Vedas - soul according to its good or bad deeds takes bodies of animals, birds, insects etc., or bodies of Rishis, Munis, which are the best bodies - after leaving the present body. The soul which is duly attached with its own power of taking birth according to pious deeds and sins, enters other bodies. Though the soul is away from death, being immortal, but after death of bodies, takes new bodies. These ideas of Vedas has very well been mentioned in Bhagwat Geeta as well - the soul never takes birth and is eternal, in fact after death of body too soul is never dead. This process of death and birth of bodies and souls is eternal.

Vedas further states that soul and bodies goes far away to different directions [soul goes to sun etc., {given below} and then takes birth and get another body and five elements of bodies goes to space and are mixed within air, fire etc.. Death is sure i.e., the body will have to be cremated one day. He (God) who makes the body, He destroys the same one day. When the soul leaves the body then the soul wanders in so many places, takes another body according to its previous deeds (karmas).

'Yamdut' means = 'YAM' means God, and 'dut' means storm, cyclone, flood, earthquake, heavy rains, etc. So when a soul is to leave a body then -air enters the body and takes the soul out of it. The soul after leaving the body first day goes to Savita (sun), second day agnihi (fire), third Vaayu (normal air), fourth Aditya, fifth chandrma (moon), sixth ritu (seasons), seventh marutah, eighth brihaspati (tiniest air), ninth mitrah (breathing), tenth varunah (udan air), eleventh indrah (electricity), twelfth Vishvedevah (in all divine qualities). Then, after wandering in sky, gets body according to previous deeds. Once these twelve days are completed, after 13 days the soul takes another body.

Normally soul after getting a body, faces the result of its past lives' deeds and under influence of illusion (duly attracted towards illusion) does sins and again gets birth to face the sins. The soul is immortal and always separate from body. However, only when an aspirant meets with a learned Preacher / Acharya and gets spiritual education, then only the soul gets salvation.


  1. Not my cup of wisdom, Priya..conceptually interesting but one can only verify the truth of the above afterwards!

  2. No mortal can verify that but can only ponder...as long as we have the basic intelligence to be able to gather the wisdon which is already ingranied in old scripts. But then these are some of the topics which excites me and I try and gather as much materials as I can thats all....
