Sunday, October 25, 2009

Stike a Balance

To strike a balanace or not to........or rather how to.......... Its been quite a while that I hit the blog, well many things kept me busy but the calling to write always comes especially when I start introspecting which btw never ceases!!
"Striking balance" has always been overrated in more ways than one. There are times when I feel this is just a garb for making sacrifices (oh so many!!) order to buy peace.
The art of sweet talking or rather talking bull cr***(pardon my language) is what is attaining balance in one's life.I grew up seeing my Mum - being literally mum.... the one who had much more reislience, more depth, efficient in all aspects and with oodles of patience in her...........(which I use to just not agree with in my rebel days!!!!!!!!!) Now i look up to her with awe and respect since I now know the value and the strength that one requires to exude such patience in one's life.
Now when I get encountered with situations wherein "I need to strike a balance" first reaction still is ***** it/him/her, ***** the world and all those profounities that one can think of:) and then I just sit down and ponder and sometimes even think of those big bearded orange clad sadhus who come on television and teach meditationn.............put on my meeker and weaker clothes and get on with it......why????? in order to strike a balance.
MPS (Multiple Personality Syndrome) - I guess that is how this has taken birth.....